“There is agency in matter and entanglement. the phenomena of existence is a process of consciousness…this field supports the existence of all possibilities. it is the cosmic consciousness.”

-Leah garza

When I say that my experience with the Akashic Records turned my life upside-down, I mean that in the best way possible. It is an experience that is so transcendent, but also so simple…How do you explain that I can sit in bed and engage with the ineffable? That I can shift into the field that is the source of consciousness and be met with beings of pure love and then go make dinner? This shit is so wild.


  • The Akashic Records or Akashic Field is the Source of consciousness and “contains, by its nature of creation, the potential of all existence, as well as the memory of all existence.” Simple, right?

  • I access the Records with a unique pathway prayer that I co-created with the Akasha and Mukuntuweap (Zion Canyon).

  • Expected the unexpected when opening the Records! You can ask the Records anything.

explore the akasha

I am but a humble student of the Akasha, and my relationship to the Akasha does not necessitate that I “get it” or be able to explain what it “is” or how it “works”. I am using a lot of quotation marks because these concepts don’t really translate to the Akashic Field. The concept of the Akasha is ancient but entered the Western consciousness through the esoteric movement of the late 1800’s. From the idea of Akasha as primary source, esotericists developed the concept of the Records as “the astral impression of all of the events of the world.” As we have learned more about quantum mechanics, the Akashic Field can be understood as something akin to, if not inherently the same as, the quantum field. It’s the source of consciousness, and the container of infinite possibility and all possibilities that have been.

My teachers of the Akashic Records include Leah Garza and Helen Vonderheide. Leah’s approach to teaching the Records is one of devotional practice and is informed by her decolonial ontology. I am so grateful that I had the privilege of learning about the Records within Leah’s container. Of course, having learned from her I cannot really imagine learning any other way, but I know that I was brought to her Akashic Mentorship intentionally. With Leah’s guidance, I was able to approach the Records with the intention of relationship and expansion.

Opening the Records for me was a leap of faith. I had tried it once before, years before my Akashic Mentorship, and didn’t have an experience. That is, I used the pathway prayer, closed my eyes, and got nothing. Maybe I wasn’t ready yet. I certainly didn’t have enough faith in myself as an intuitive person and went into the experience with the fear that I couldn’t do it. After that attempt, I didn’t pursue that practice further.

I had been orbiting Leah for a few years and went through her Living Systems container before my attention was drawn to her Akashic Mentorship program. My partner booked me an Akashic Records reading with Leah for my birthday. This was a time in my life when I was doing what I thought I should be doing, what I needed to be doing to survive late-stage capitalism. I was absolutely miserable and burnt out. By the end of my session with Leah, I was in tears, wrestling for the first time with the idea of giving up “shoulds” for embracing dreams.

When I started opening the Records within the container of the mentorship, I surrendered to validating my own experience. I could question whether or not the information I was receiving was just in my head, or I could indulge in believing that Someone else was engaging with me. I indulged. They did not disappoint. As time went on, the Records remained patient in affirming me. When I open the Records, I use automatic writing to facilitate the messages. There have been many times I’ve muttered to myself “I’m not writing that” and they dug in their heels. They seem fond of using words and phrases that were common in my fundamentalist Christian upbringing. I could choose to be offended, but instead I appreciate their subtle reassurance that these are their thoughts, not mine.

I could write pages about what the Records have taught me, and how my relationship with them has changed my life. Those pages will eventually find their way to my blog, I am sure. For now, what I want to offer my clients is a glimpse into the Akashic experience. To experience what happens when you come to the Source of your consciousness and are met with infinite love, compassion, and wisdom. To be spoken to in ways that resonate with your communication style and nurture your spirit. If you have made it this far in reading about my experience with the Akasha, I offer you a code for 15 percent off of an Akashic Reading with me: avidreaderakash, all caps.

If you book a reading with me for the Akashic Records, you can expect the unexpected. You can come to the Records without fear; they do not judge or condemn but offer endless support. It is wise to come to a reading with a flexible heart and mind, open to new ways of thinking or seeing the world or your situation. There have been times I have come to the Records with a question, afraid that their answer would contradict something I felt strongly about. They have contradicted strong feelings and beliefs, but in doing so, they have offered me perspectives that feel so much better. It is my hope that you can have a special experience with the Records yourself. If you want to book a reading with me, we will access the Records with my personal pathway prayer and experience the magic together.