TND- Dreams and synchronicities
Sanyelle Sandusky Sanyelle Sandusky

TND- Dreams and synchronicities

As I continue to read more about the nature of reality and our powerful and innate ability to shape it, I feel as if I am dancing in and out of an outdated reality and the new one. It is not easy to put aside a reality that is threatening and persistent, especially one that has felt so inescapable and crushing. Despite the fact that the reality of capitalism, authoritarianism and materialism is so toxic and harmful to our very spirits, we have been indoctrinated into believing its inevitability. 

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The Noodle Diaries, Part I
Sanyelle Sandusky Sanyelle Sandusky

The Noodle Diaries, Part I

What I can articulate at this moment is that what I was reading about and what I was receiving from the Records resonated and synthesized in my spirit and my brain, creating a “foundation” for building my own reality. I say “foundation” because that word is too rigid, conveys too much structure and stability for concepts that rebuke such constraint. To put it simply, I’ve been carried in a confluence of realizations that emphasize embracing the delulu. 

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