sanyelle- the oracle of ibis
A glimpse into the path(s) of The Oracle of Ibis
Hello, fellow travelers. My name is Sanyelle (they/them), and I am The Oracle of Ibis. For nearly a decade now, I have been exploring different ways of connecting with the "immaterial". I use this word to try to encapsulate a diversely expressed idea; the idea that there is something or someone beyond ourselves. Some may connect with this idea, but they call this something or someone God. Others refer to this otherness as Source, or spirit, or the divine. I have found myself destabilized in trying to understand Who or What the immaterial other is, but despite the inadequate language, I have found that engaging with the otherness has been transformative. The otherness, it turns out, is not distinct from any of us.
From fundamentalist Christianity, to atheism, to buying my first Tarot deck on my lunch break while working at the mall, my life has been characterized by trying to understand who I am in relation to the universe around me. I don't approach this work from the place of "having it figured all out". There is no "having it all figured out". Instead, I am practicing being present with where the journey takes me, and leaning into alignment with my resonance and desire.
If you have found yourself on your journey to connecting with the immaterial other and are struggling to find resonance or are doubting your ability to have resonant experiences, you are not alone. Many of my attempts to find spiritual connection left me feeling inadequate or incompetent. I learned to doubt myself. I learned to doubt the spiritual world around me. Some of these attempts left me feeling powerless. Over the years, I flitted from one teaching to another, from one practice to another, and nothing stuck.
If you are familiar with any of those feelings, or if you are just now setting out on your own path and need some guidance, there are many ways in which I would love to support you. The Tarot has been a transformative tool for me, and the one I have consistently relied on over the years. If you are looking to just "check-in", booking a Tarot reading with me is a great place to start. Developing a relationship with the Akashic Records has also proven to be life-altering. If you would like to learn more about how an Akashic Records reading can support you, please read more here.
I also provide consultation services, a space where we can meet one-on-one to discuss where you are in your journey and where you would like to be heading. Together we can explore what resonance and desire look like for you, and develop a more aligned path for you. Some folks find that prescriptive practices work for them, but sometimes, you have to forge your unique road to divinity. Let me help you design it!
If you are magically inclined or interested, I specialize in crafting unique rituals to support your journey. If you are looking to play with reality or tug on the threads of fate, ritual can be a great way to facilitate those changes. Humans have been engaging in ritual for as long as we have been able to conceive of something beyond ourselves. If you want to know more about how I can support your ritual practice, check out more here. If you are interested in having ritual support but don't feel comfortable or able to participate in ritual, I would be honored to work on your behalf.
If you have any questions about my services, please do not hesitate to reach out for additional information. I also have additional information in a FAQS. I look forward to working with you, and seeing how your journey unfolds.