before your appointment
congratulations on booking with the Ibis!
I am so excited to work with you. Whether this is your first time with a particular service, or your first time working with me, i have compiled some helpful tips on how to make the most of our time together.
for an akashic appointment
Working with the Akasha is an experience that is hard to describe. It is best to expect the unexpected! When we open your Akashic Records, it may feel as if you and I are just having a conversation. My role in the reading is to act as the intermediary between you and the beings of the Akasha. I do not filter the information or add my own opinions, this is about a direct transfer of wisdom. It is important that you and I can have our own dialog, especially if you need clarification on something the Records have said. My goal is to help you feel comfortable asking for rephrasing or additional information if something is confusing. If you want to talk through what the Records have shared with you, I am here to support you in integrating their messages.
You can truly ask the Records anything, but it is good to keep in mind that these are beings that exist outside of time. If you are trying to get clarity on the “when” of something, the Records may not provide a timeline that makes sense to you. For example, if you want to ask “when will I meet the love of my life”, it may be better to ask “what can I do to call in the love of my life".
If you have had an Akashic Reading before, you will notice that I have a different pathway. My pathway does not address the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones, and allows for clients to use their resonant name and pronouns. The pathway we will use is rooted in my understanding of inherent interconnectedness with Spirit and our divine nature.
You will be able to record our session in Zoom, but I also encourage you to have a pen and paper handy so that you can write down anything that stands out from the Records.
for a Ritual appointment
During a consultation for Ritual work, whether that is support in crafting a ritual that you will perform, or a ritual you would like performed on your behalf, we will work together to clarify your exact intention. Please come to your consultation with a general idea of what you would like to achieve and the timeframe you are working within. The consultation is intended for us to get to know one another, examine your goals, and identify whether or not our collaboration is a good fit. As a practitioner, my capacity for ritual work is informed by my ancestral lineage. I do not do any ritual work that is associated with a closed practice or a tradition that is not culturally appropriate for me. During our consultation, we will make sure that I can provide services that meet your needs within my scope of practice. There are services that I will not provide or support if they are out of alignment with my values. If this is the case, I will try my best to connect you with a practitioner who can better assist you.
for a Tarot reading
As you prepare for your appointment, it is a good idea to know what direction you want the reading to go in. For a Compass Reading, we can do a general reading that examines the current moment you are in. If you have a specific question or issue that you would like clarity on, we can explore that as well. Please be open to “workshopping” your query; we can ask the cards anything, but how we phrase the question can make a significant difference in the experience. If you booked an Initiating the Path Reading, we will be looking at the context of your current situation and where you are being guided to expand. Perhaps you have an idea of where you want to go but are worried about the implementation of your plan. We can leave the path very open-ended, or we can explore a specific goal.
It is important to me as a reader that you feel as engaged in the process as you would like to be. The magic of Tarot is that we all come to the cards with a lens of interpretation. Even if you have never pulled a card before, there is an opportunity for you to create a new story when you connect with the images of the cards. One of my core values as a reader is collaborative gnosis. When we position ourselves as equal participants in revelation, the possibilities are endless. This is not to say that you should feel pressured to collaborate or that your reading will be diminished if you don’t feel comfortable collaborating. It is also not about minimizing my burden as the reader, as you are booking with a professional whose expertise is in providing you with an informative and empowering reading. It is important to me that you have the opportunity, if you so choose, to flex your intuitive muscles.
A note about Tarot as a divinatory practice. There are many ways to approach Tarot and one common approach is Tarot as “fortune-telling”. While I do believe that Tarot can show us potential outcomes, I do not believe that there are fixed outcomes. Tarot practitioner and author of Radical Tarot, Charlie Claire Burgess explains:
A radical Tarot does not approach the cards to tell the future, but to create it. Telling casts the future as something that can be finitely told, implying a predetermination and immutability that ignores the chaos of the unexpected and robs us of the ability to change. Telling the future diminishes our potentialities to a fixed outcome that either lulls us into complacency or looms forever in the distance. Creating the future, on the other hand, shifts the agency for change into our palms every time we bridge the cards. It opens the way for exploration and response, and empowers us to become active participants in piloting our lives.
Please keep in mind this radical approach to Tarot as we work together. If you are expecting a glimpse into a fixed future, you will find instead a potentiality.
Finally, the Tarot does not always give us the answers we desire. There is a story told in the Tarot that depicts the full complexity of our embodied experience, cards that show moments of strife and moments of abundance. Do not let those “darker” cards fill you with dread or anxiety. They provide opportunities for us to deepen our wisdom and expand our perspectives, even if they feel unwelcome. It is unwise to badger the Tarot into answers you expect (asking the same question repeatedly); you will be met with an arcane indifference and readings that make little sense. If your reading is different than you expected, I encourage you to sit with your feelings of discomfort and take advantage of this catalyst for introspection.
for a consultation
My consulting services are rooted in collaborative gnosis and pathfinding. We will work together to explore where you have been, the current context of your path, and what surrendering to limitless possibilities for your future looks like. In our first meeting (your free introduction consultation), we will get to know each other and your expectations and desires around pathfiding. There is very little that you need to do to prepare for this appointment, as it is focused on exploration. If you already have an idea of where your path may lead or how you would see your desires fulfilled, that is great! If you are at sea when it comes to knowing which direction to head in, we will have a beautifully blank map to work with. If you want to know about what spiritual practices may resonate with you, we can discuss how to personalize a connection with the divine. Approaching this work with an open mind and open heart will be all that is asked of you.